If you set up a AMQP connection to listen to Rabbit message queue, and can not receive any notification when connection is correct. Stucking queue may be the reason of this problem. As I proposed in ask.openstack.org, you can purge the queue to clear all the message in queue. In this way, the new message won't be stucked in the queue.

the command is:

rabiitmqctl purge_queue queue_name

please use the specified queue name like 'notifications.nova' to replace the 'queue_name'.

It is recommended to restart the services if purging queue does not help. Command example like,

/etc/init.d/neutron-service restart

the command patern is,

/etc/init.d/xxx start
/etc/init.d/xxx stop
/etc/init.d/xxx restart

Hope this blog can help you.

Listen to OpenStack Notification

2016-09-30 by muzi


Kombu, AMQP, RabbitMQ

Kombu是Python的消息库,封装来许多消息的报文,支持包括AMQP等多种消息协议。而在OpenStack端,Notification的发布系统由RabbitMQ实现。为了监听OpenStack发出的Notification, 我们需要在本地用Kombu库建立一个connection, 连接到OpenStack的消息发布系统。


在学习过程中,会遇到Exchange, Queue等术语,此处将简要介绍这些概念:

  • Producers


  • Exchanges


  • Queues


  • Consumers


  • Routing ...

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